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Commodity (원자재) 생각/리튬

리튬 정제 생각보다 쉽지 않다

by 브룡 2023. 2. 16.

호주가 중국을 제치고 리튬 정제 일위가 될 것이라고했지만 오늘 웨스파머가 정제 공장 건설 연기한다고 발표하면서 호주 리튬 정제 1위 달성에는 시간이 좀 걸릴 듯. 생각보다 쉽지 않다 원자재 가공이라는 게. 


Australia’s ambition to ease China’s stranglehold on production of a key battery compound has hit further hurdles after Wesfarmers Ltd. said its lithium refinery would be delayed by six months.

The start of the plant in Western Australia, which seeks to produce enough lithium hydroxide for a million electric vehicles a year, has been pushed back to the first half of 2025, the mining and retail conglomerate said Wednesday.



Australia’s bid to break China’s lithium dominance hit by delay - MINING.COM


Australia’s bid to break China’s lithium dominance hit by delay

Wesfarmers said the start of its lithium refinery has been pushed back to the first half of 2025.


