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[LAC #62] LAC 미 에너지국 대출 정식 지원

by 브룡 2022. 4. 15.

미국 시간 기준으로 2022년 4월 14일 LAC이 미국 에너지국 대출 지원을 했다는 소식 발표되었다 (ATVM Loan). 아래 기사 첨부. 승인을 받으면 LAC은 거의 독자적인 힘으로 태커패스를 개발할 수 있고 헐값에 지분을 팔지 않아도 된다. 테슬라는 절대 제값 주고 사는 회사가 아니니 테슬라에 너무 목숨 걸지 않았으면 좋겠다. 독자적으로 크는 LAC의 모습을 꿈꾸어 본다. 


VANCOUVER, April 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lithium Americas Corp. (TSX: LAC) (NYSE: LAC) ("Lithium Americas" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the Company has submitted a formal application to the US Department of Energy (“DOE”) Loan Programs Office (“LPO”) for funding to be used at its 100%-owned Thacker Pass lithium project in Humboldt County, Nevada (“Thacker Pass”) through the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program (“ATVM Loan Program”). The ATVM Loan Program is designed to provide loans for facilities located in the United States for the manufacturing of advanced technology vehicles and qualifying components used in those vehicles.


"Thacker Pass is a unique, large-scale and advanced-stage lithium project representing one of the most significant opportunities to create a domestic lithium supply chain to support the production of electric vehicles in the US,” said Jonathan Evans, President and CEO. “We are pleased to submit our formal loan application and look forward to progressing through the ATVM Loan Program process to accelerate development of Thacker Pass. We are very excited to become a leading supplier of domestic critical materials to support the growth of the domestic battery and electric vehicle industry in response to increased demand and interest from US-based consumers.”


The submission is not an assurance that Lithium Americas will secure funding from the ATVM Loan Program and additional steps remain in the process.


