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Commodity (원자재) 생각/곡물 (Agricultural Commodities)19

설탕 부족, 브라질이 다 채울 수 있으려나 And regarding the hedge, the future hedges, I think we are positive with the sugar outlook even for 2024. It seems that there is a problem in several countries, Thailand, the European Union and, especially India. So, India should not release additional export quarter. So, the market today depends a lot on Brazilian exports. So that's why we think -- and then we think that Brazil is not going to .. 2023. 4. 15.
잘 잡히지 않는 바나나 가격 그러나 조만간 피크가 오지 않을까 하는 생각도 들고..더불어 재미있는게 오렌지 가격이다. 오렌지 가격도 꾸준히 오르네.. "These two markets (in Russia and Ukraine), especially the Russian one, are served by the Ecuadorean banana supply," he said. "Since Ecuadorean bananas couldn't enter Russia, there was an excess banana supply globally and prices fell in the first semester." Output per hectare fell 4.5% to 2,027 boxes in 2022, from 2,124 in 2021,.. 2023. 3. 15.
미국 설탕 가격 쉽게 안 잡힐 것이라는 기사 Domestic sugar prices likely to stay elevated | Food Business News Domestic sugar prices likely to stay elevated Inflation and supply issues are key supportive factors. www.foodbusinessnews.net 멕시코 사탕수수 수확에 문제가 좀 생긴 듯한데, 4월 브라질 물량 여부가 중요할 듯. 2023. 3. 2.
전세계 설탕 수요 추이 (40년) Sugar Consumption Update: The First Fall in 40 Years (czarnikow.com) Sugar Consumption Update: The First Fall in 40 Years We have further reduced our estimates and can be fairly certain that sugar consumption will fall just as much, if not more, than we expected. www.czarnikow.com 피크아웃이 왔다는 얘기가 나오지만 문제는 그만큼 수확이 되느냐인데, 오히려 미국 가정 설탕 사용은 늘었다는 기사. US Sugar Consumption Rose During Covid-19 Pandemic -.. 2023. 2. 25.
인도 설탕 수출 제한 이미 나온 얘기인데 한 번 더 나와서 올려본다. 4월에 안정이 될까? 과연? India Won’t Allow New Sugar Exports to Prevent Domestic Shortage - Bloomberg Bloomberg - Are you a robot? We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please click the box below to let us know you're not a robot. www.bloomberg.com 2023. 2. 22.
설탕은 계속 오른다 과연 언제까지 잡힐 듯한 설탕 가격이 아직도 오르고 있다. 4월이 변곡점이라고 보는데, 가격은 그 전에 반영이 되겠지. Sugar Prices Close Higher On Signs Of Solid Sugar Demand (barchart.com) Sugar Prices Close Higher on Signs of Solid Sugar Demand May NY world sugar #11 (SBK23) on Tuesday closed up +0.32 (+1.63%), and May London white sugar #5 (SWK23) closed up +10.70 (+1.91%). Sugar prices Tuesday closed moderately higher on signs of solid physical suga.. 2023. 2. 16.
설탕 가격 진정될 것으로 예상 (과연?) 블룸버그 기사. 4월에 브라질에서 설탕 들어오면 낮아질 것으로 예상. 글쎄 과연 그럴까. Sugar Price at Six-Year High Won’t Last as Glut Looms - Bloomberg Bloomberg - Are you a robot? We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please click the box below to let us know you're not a robot. www.bloomberg.com The World Is About to Have More Sugar Than It Needs. So Why Have Prices Surged? Prices recently hit s.. 2023. 2. 8.
설탕 수출 추이 (USDA) 인도 생산량 감소, 브라질 태국 수출 견인. 미국은 그대로 유지. 문제는 유가. 브라질이 다소 공격적으로 수출 늘리는 듯. 2023. 2. 7.
에탄올 수요 증진 브라질 인도 미국. 이 셋이 에탄올 사용 증진을 하는 캠페인에 참여. 에탄올 가격이 최근 내려가긴 함. 설탕 가격은 오름. 이 추세는 어떻게 계속 진행될까. India-US-Brazil Biofuels Latest News: February 5, 2023 - Bloomberg Bloomberg - Are you a robot? We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please click the box below to let us know you're not a robot. www.bloomberg.com 2023. 2. 6.