그러나 조만간 피크가 오지 않을까 하는 생각도 들고..더불어 재미있는게 오렌지 가격이다. 오렌지 가격도 꾸준히 오르네..
"These two markets (in Russia and Ukraine), especially the Russian one, are served by the Ecuadorean banana supply," he said. "Since Ecuadorean bananas couldn't enter Russia, there was an excess banana supply globally and prices fell in the first semester."
Output per hectare fell 4.5% to 2,027 boxes in 2022, from 2,124 in 2021, as heavy rains led to increased incidents of black sigatoka, a destructive fungus which can destroy plantations, Augura data showed.
In 2019, Colombia detected fungus fusarium tropical type 4, which causes the so-called Panama disease, or wilt, that attacks the roots of the Cavendish banana variety in the northern La Guajira province.
2023년 1/4분기에는 바나나 가격이 떨어질 수 있다는 기사. 바나나 가격은 올해 봄 정도에는 피크를 치지 않을까 조심스레 예상해본다.
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