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머스크 인공지능 회사 (X.AI)

by 브룡 2023. 4. 16.

머스크가 인공지능 회사를 세우면서 OpenAI랑 경쟁하겠다는 의사를 보임. 실제로 머스크는 2018년에 그 회사에서 나오기도 했음. 인공지능 시장이 커질 것이야 뻔한 얘기이긴 하지만 그렇다고 투자할만한 회사가 쉽게 보이는 것은 아니다. 


Elon Musk Creates New Artificial Intelligence Company X.AI - WSJ


Elon Musk Creates New Artificial Intelligence Company X.AI

The name of the new Nevada-incorporated organization suggests a link to the billionaire’s interest in an everything app.




As part of his AI ambitions, Mr. Musk has spent the past few months recruiting researchers with the goal of creating a rival effort to OpenAI, the artificial intelligence company that launched the viral chatbot ChatGPT in November, according to researchers familiar with the outreach. OpenAI has set off a fever pitch of investor interest in the sector.

Mr. Musk co-founded OpenAI eight years ago but left the company in early 2018 after losing a power struggle to its current chief executive, Sam Altman, the Wall Street Journal reported. Mr. Musk has complained that ChatGPT is politically biased and told associates that he wants to create AI models that are more truth-seeking, though he hasn’t publicly stated what that would mean.


The Tesla Inc. chief executive recently recruited Igor Babuschkin, a scientist at artificial intelligence lab DeepMind, owned by Alphabet Inc., to helm the new effort. He has also tried to recruit employees at OpenAI to join the new lab but has had limited success, people familiar with the efforts said. The Information earlier reported on Mr. Babuschkin’s hire. 


Mr. Musk’s new lab, if successful, will add yet another entrant to a heated race among tech companies to develop more powerful artificial intelligence models. OpenAI earlier this year released GPT-4, an AI model designed to mimic human reading and writing that was able to outperform most people on standardized exams like the LSAT. The technology is also being integrated into a new version of Microsoft Inc’s Bing search engine. Google and Amazon.com Inc. also have announced AI initiatives, as well as others.


AI 야망의 일환으로 머스크는 지난 몇 달 동안 바이러스 챗봇 ChatGPT를 11월에 출시한 인공지능 회사 OpenAI와 경쟁할 수 있는 노력을 만들기 위해 연구원을 모집했다고 아웃리치에 정통한 연구원들이 밝혔습니다. OpenAI는 이 부문에 대한 투자자들의 관심을 고조시켰습니다.

머스크는 8년 전 OpenAI를 공동 설립했지만 2018년 초 현 최고경영자(CEO) 샘 알트먼에게 권력 다툼에서 패한 뒤 회사를 떠났다고 월스트리트저널이 보도했습니다. 머스크는 ChatGPT가 정치적으로 편향되어 있다고 불평했고, 동료들에게 그것이 무엇을 의미하는지 공개적으로 밝히지는 않았지만, 더 진실을 추구하는 AI 모델을 만들고 싶다고 말했습니다.

Tesla Inc.의 최고 경영자는 최근 Alphabet Inc.가 소유한 인공지능 연구소 Deep Mind의 과학자인 이고르 바부슈킨을 새로운 노력을 이끌도록 영입했습니다. 그는 또한 새로운 연구소에 합류하기 위해 OpenAI의 직원들을 모집하려고 노력했지만 제한적인 성공을 거두었다고 그 노력에 익숙한 사람들은 말했습니다. 앞서 정보는 바부슈킨 씨의 고용에 대해 보도했습니다. 

머스크의 새로운 연구소가 성공한다면, 더 강력한 인공지능 모델을 개발하기 위한 기술 회사들 간의 치열한 경쟁에 또 다른 진입자가 추가될 것입니다. 올해 초 OpenAI는 LSAT와 같은 표준화된 시험에서 대부분의 사람들을 능가할 수 있는 인간의 읽기와 쓰기를 모방하도록 설계된 AI 모델인 GPT-4를 출시했습니다. 이 기술은 또한 마이크로소프트사의 빙 검색 엔진의 새로운 버전에 통합되고 있습니다. 구글과 Amazon.com 도 AI 이니셔티브를 발표했습니다.
