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Commodity (원자재) 생각/리튬

SQM 증산 계획 (참고용)

by 브룡 2022. 11. 19.

어제 SQM이 증산 계획을 콜에서 들어서 가져와본다. 일단 실적은 잘 나온 것 같은데, 골드만/크레딧 스위스 때리기 및 차익 실현으로 주가가 좀 흘러내린 듯.



내년에 Cabonate를 18만까지 하고 Hydro를 4만까지. 그리고 Hydro는 향후 10만까지 늘린다고 하는데 그건 좀 지켜봐야 할 것 같다. 거의 20만 정도 생산한다는 계획인데 조만간. 시총은 거의 30 billion 전후인 듯. 이번주는 좀 더 빠지는 듯. 


Carlos Diaz


Good morning. I'm Carlos Diaz, I'm Executive Vice President of the business, Lithium. Well, as you know, we're expanding our capacity here in Chile in the lithium carbonate as lithium hydroxide.

At the same time, we expect to reach a total capacity next year of lithium hydroxide of 40,000 and 180,000 in lithium carbonate. At the same time, we are expanding our -- buying a new capacity of refining and conversion in China at a total of 30,000 for next year, and the same time, working on building a new plant in Australia that will be ready in the year 2024.


Additional, what we announced yesterday is to continue expanding our lithium hydroxide capacity in Chile up to reach 100,000 in the year 2025. That is our plan. And you asked about to do with something in the US. Obviously, we are studying different alternatives that could be one to put a plant in the US or another market that we know that are growing fast for the consumption of lithium for batteries. So, it's in our scope, but we're still under study.
