오늘 LAC 분기 실적 보고서가 나왔다. 자세한 내용은 아래 홈페이지 참조. 아래 부분 번역과 함께 나의 어설픈 해석을 붙여본다. 밑줄은 어설픈 번역 및 나의 해석.
특이할 만한 내용으로는,
-아르헨티나 인플레가 너무 살인적이라 현금을 조금 더 쓴 것 같고, 그래서 현금이 조금 더 줄어들었다.
-태커패스에서 약 100톤 정도 캐내서 샘플용 리튬을 만들었나봄. 이거 갖고 파트너랑 다른 고객들 설득하려고 하는 것 같음.
이 두 개 정도가 내가 추가적으로 알게 된 내용이다. 경영진은 정말 훌륭하다. 아 다시 매입할까...ㅎㅎ
Argentina 아르헨티나
Caucharí-Olaroz 카우차리
- Construction continues to progress towards production with key areas of the processing plant commenced commissioning in late Q3 2022. 아르헨티나 공장은 예정대로 진행중.
- With construction nearing completion, focus remains on prioritizing production volume over product quality during ramp-up. 공사가 거의 마무리에 가까워짐에 따라, 리튬 질보다는 생산량에 초점을 맞춤. (저번에 나온 얘기)
- As previously announced in July 2022, construction on a portion of the purification process designed to achieve battery-quality was deferred to the first half of 2023 정제 과정 공장은 내년 상반기로 미루고 있음 (역시 저번에 나온 얘기).
- The Company expects to provide an update and guidance on production ramp-up schedule around the end of 2022 연말이면 더 구체적인 생산 내용 알려주겠다.
- Due primarily to the low official Argentine exchange rate and high local inflation, capital cost estimates at the official exchange rate have been revised to $852 million (on a 100% basis), up 15% from $741 million previously; however, at the substantially more favorable market-based exchange rate available and the streamlined production plan, the Company expects that there will be no material change to its total funding requirements for Stage 1. 지금 아르헨티나 인플레가 너무 심해서 카우차리 염호에 들어가는 총 비용이 기존 741million에서 약 15% 정도 증가한 $852 millon로 늘어남. 그러나 1단계 공정은 사실 거의 마무리 되었기 때문에 여기에는 추가 비용이 안 들어감 (추가 비용이 생겼다는 건 어쨌든 그다지 좋은 소식은 아님)
- As of September 30, 2022, 85% of the budget has been spent with a substantial portion deferred until 2023, to complete the purification process. 2022년 3분기까지 전체 예산의 85% 사용.
- As of September 30, 2022, the Company had $63 million (49% share) in capital costs remaining at the official Argentine exchange rate, requiring funding of an estimated $31 million based on the latest market-based exchange rate. 2022년 3분기 기준 63 million 정도의 자본 비용이 남아 있음. (이 부분은 무슨 말인지 잘 모르겠음)
- Development planning for Stage 2 expansion of at least 20,000 tonnes per annum of lithium carbonate equivalent continues to progress to align with completion of Stage 1. 2단계 확정공사 진행 중,2만톤 증설
- In Q2 2022, the seven local communities in the vicinity of the project approved the proposed expansion. 7개 부족민들이 모두 동의.
Pastos Grandes 파스토스 그란데
- The Company continues to advance the Pastos Grandes $30 million development plan, with completion of the plan and a resulting construction decision expected for the second half of 2023. 현재 파스토스 그란데에 30 million 투자. 아마 염호 건설 계획은 2023 상반기 정도에 나올 듯.
- Following the recent exploration results from the adjacent property owned by Arena Minerals Inc. (TSXV: AN) and additional modelling of the basin, the Company is updating its exploration plan. 아레나 미네랄하고 같이 하는 결과도 곧 나올 거임.
United States 미국
Thacker Pass 태커패스
- The Lithium Technical Development Center (“LiTDC”) in Reno continues to operate based on the Thacker Pass flowsheet processing raw ore to final battery-quality lithium carbonate. 리노에 있는 리튬 연구소 운영 시작.
- As of September 2022, over 100 tonnes of lithium ore were collected at Thacker Pass to feed the LiTDC to produce product samples for potential customers and partners. 2022년 9월 현재 약 100톤 정도 되는 리튬 광석 캐내어서 샘플 만들고 있음. 이거 파트너랑 고객들에게 보여줌. (오 이건 재미있네!!! 몰랐음)
- Results of ongoing test work to de-risk each step of the flowsheet continues to be in line with expectations. 이런 식으로 샘플 테스트를 해야 나중에 생길 생산 과정 오류를 줄일 수 있다 (좋은 말임. 아 그러고보니 예전에 시위하던 애들이 이거 갖고 물고 늘어진 적 있었던 것 같음)
- In Q2 2022, cultural work on approximately 13,000 acres was completed as required under the National Environmental Policy Act and conducted by an independent consultant, with the oversight and assistance of the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe (“Tribe”). No areas of archeological significance were identified at Thacker Pass. 저번에 나온 얘기이나 원주민 유골 발견 안 됨.
- In October 2022, the Company signed a Community Benefits Agreement with the Tribe, to establish a framework for continued collaboration and define long-term benefits for the Tribe.2022년 10월에 지역 원주민과 협약서 체결 (역시 저번에 나온 얘기)
- On August 11, 2022, briefings were submitted for the appeal of the issuance of the Record of Decision (“ROD”) for Thacker Pass. The US District Court, District of Nevada has scheduled an oral hearing for January 5, 2023. 구두 변론 내년 1월 5일 진행 예정.
- Lithium Americas is moving ahead with pre-construction activities, including the selection of an engineering, procurement and construction management firm to execute the development and construction plan for Thacker Pass. 재판 결과 잘 나오면 바로 진행할 수 있도록 건설 업체등과 계획 짜고 있음.
- The Company is also evaluating potential investment, partnership and supply agreements to support the development of a North American supply chain. In addition, Lithium Americas continues to progress the U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing loan program application. 협력사도 계속 알아고보고 있고, 에너지국 대출 승인도 예정대로 진행 중.
- The timing for completion of a feasibility study is now scheduled for Q1 2023, in order to reflect ongoing feedback from strategic partnership and financing process, results of LiTDC operations and to align with the anticipated timing of the ROD appeal ruling. 최종 feasiblity test는 내년 1분기에 나올 예정.
- As at September 30, 2022, the Company had $392 million in cash, cash equivalents and short-term bank deposits, with an additional $75 million in available credit. 현재 현금은 392 million 정도 들고 있음.
- On July 18, 2022, the Company made an equity investment in Ascend Elements, Inc. (“Ascend Elements”), a US-based lithium-ion battery recycling and engineered material company, by way of a subscription for Series C-1 preferred shares for $5 million. 2022년 7월에 미국에 있는 리튬 이온 배터리 재활용 업체인 Ascend 지분을 약 5백만불 정도 주고 지분 일부 샀음. 시리즈 C라고 하는 것보니 그러도 꽤 규모가 큰 스타트업체인 듯.
- On September 20, 2022, the Company entered a Strategic Collaboration Agreement with Green Technology Metals Ltd. (ASX:GT1) (“GT1”), in which it owns a 5% stake, to advance a common goal of developing an integrated lithium chemical supply chain in North America. GT1과는 전략적 제휴. 지분 5% 정도 들고 있음.
- In September 2022, the Company was recognized on the TSX30 for the second consecutive year, ranking as one of the top 30 performers on the TSX. 캐나다 주식 수익률 탑 30위 안에 2년 연속 들어감.
- The Company continues to advance a potential separation of its US and Argentina operations to unlock shareholder value and better position each business to pursue its independent strategy and growth.
The Technical Information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Rene LeBlanc, PhD, SME, Chief Technical Officer of Lithium Americas, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
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