오늘 ESG 리포트를 보면서 정말 LAC이 승인 받으려 각고의 노력을 했구나라는 것을 다시 한 번 느꼈다. 아래 원문의 내용을 (ESG 리포트에서 발췌) 복붙해본다.
- 원주민 멤버들 단체인 (TPCCG)와 계속 접촉해서 agreement 작성 절차에 모두 관여하게 함.
- 원주민들과도 계속 얘기 중이고, 최근에 그쪽에서 우리가 태커패스에서 일하려면 애들 돌 볼 시간이 없어서 데이캐어 센터가 필요하다고 요구하자 만들어주겠다고 함. 데이케어, 문화공간 센터, 놀이터, 자전거 도로까지 깔아주겠다고 함.
- 원주민들이 그 지역에서 나는 지역 토착 나무/식물 계속 키우고 싶다고 하자, 아예 온실을 만들어줘서 거기서 씨 배양한 다음에 나중에 태커패스 매립한 공간 위에 심기로 해주겠다는 계획도 세움.
- 교육센터도 설립해서 공사 필요할 때 필요한 기술도 가르쳐주고..
- 태커패스에서 가장 가까운 곳에 사는 원주민 두 부족은 소송에 참여하지도 않았음 (태커패스에서 40마일 떨어진 지역), 오히려 200마일 떨어진 지역 원주민 둘이 소송에 참여.. 200마일이면 300km다..거의 부산에 있는 사람들이 서울에서 자원개발하는 데 왜 우리 권리 침해하냐는 논리임 이 정도면.
LAC은 최선을 다 했다. 이랬는데도 미란다 판사가 원주민 편을 들어준다면 미국은 그냥 중국이나 러시아 자원 속국으로 들어가는 게 맞다고 본다.
We work collaboratively with key stakeholders to ensure we are addressing their interests and incorporating their concerns into our project planning and business decisions. For example, we actively participate in the locally based Negotiating Work Group along with select members of the local Thacker Pass Concerned Citizens Group (TPCCG). The Negotiating Work Group is dedicated to developing agreements – supported by scientific data and community views – to guide the construction and operation of Thacker Pass, with a focus on identifying solutions that protect the safety and well-being of community members.
In addition to working with the TPCCG, we actively engage with the Tribe. Through several years of engagement, information sharing and meetings with the Tribe’s chairwoman, council and Tribe members, we have heard from the Tribe about their different needs and priorities, which include: Quality Childcare Facilities: The Tribe has indicated that developing a modern childcare facility is one important priority, citing instances where parents are not able to work due to a lack of reliable, safe and high-quality daycare. In response to this need we have drafted plans for a multi-purpose facility that would provide a quality childcare facility, a cultural center, a covered picnic area, a playground and a bike trail. These plans have been provided to the Tribe for their input and feedback.
Native Plant Species: The Tribe has also indicated that it would like to grow native plant species to support local reclamation projects. We have proposed building a greenhouse to raise the seed and seedlings used by local land management agencies for wildfire reclamation. This project will support both land reclamation as well as local employment opportunities. We will also plan to purchase local native species from the Tribe to support mine site reclamation during operations.
Skills Training: The Tribe has also told us they want skills training to prepare for employment at Thacker Pass. We have organized several training events for Tribe members, including basic construction skills, heavy equipment operator training and cultural monitor training (for archeological mitigation work). We have hired several Tribe members to act as cultural monitors while we conducted cultural mitigation work and collected their feedback during and after the work.
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