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Commodity (원자재) 생각/구리

ICGS 2023년 5월 자료

by 브룡 2023. 6. 3.

Preliminary data indicates that world refined copper production increased by about 7.5% in the first quarter of 2023 with primary production (electrolytic and electrowinning from ores) up by about 7.7% and secondary production (from scrap) up by 6.6%.


Growth in world refined production was mainly attributed to strong output in China and the D.R. Congo, due to expanded capacity.


Preliminary official Chinese refined production data indicate a rise of about 13.5%, with primary production increasing by 11% and secondary production by about 21%. 


Refined output is estimated to have grown by about 13% in the D.R. Congo due to the continued ramp-up of new or expanded electrowinning plants. 


Chilean total refined copper production (electrolytic and electrowinning) was down by 5%. Although Electrowinning (SX-EW) output was up by 0.6%, primary electrolytic production declined by 14%. 


Japanese refined production increased by 7% from a low base in the 1st quarter of 2022 when production was impacted by operational issues/maintenance. 


Refined production increased by 2.6% in the United States.  Preliminary data indicates that global secondary refined production (from scrap) increased by 6.6% mainly due to the rise in China.


2023 05 22 Monthly Press Release.pdf
