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Commodity (원자재) 생각/원자재 일반

핵심 광물 자원은 무엇일까?

by 브룡 2023. 5. 9.

아래 블룸버그 기사를 보면 이 시대에 뭐가 핵심 광물인지 잘 나와 있다. 


1. What are critical minerals?

Nations have long sought to protect supplies of materials they deem vital to their industrial and military capabilities. About 50 metallic elements and minerals currently meet those criteria in the US and European Union. Most were chosen for their role in building the infrastructure required to reduce carbon emissions blamed for climate change, a mission that’s backed by hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies and tax breaks. Those materials include:

  • Lithium, graphite, cobalt, nickel and manganese — used predominantly in EV batteries
  • Silicon and tin — EVs, smart grids, power meters and other electronics
  • Rare earths — wind-turbine magnets, EVs
  • Copper - grids, wind farms, EVs

Lithium, Silicon, Nickel, Cobalt: Why Critical Minerals Matter in Geo-Politics - Bloomberg


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