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[LAC #232] 테슬라와 칠레 정부

by 브룡 2023. 3. 9.

시그마 리튬이 후보로 올라섰지만, 테슬라가 최근 칠레 정부와 직접 얘기하고 있다는 말이 나옴. 


Tesla lobbying to secure lithium from Chile — report - MINING.COM


Tesla lobbying to secure lithium from Chile — report

Tesla executives held talks with the ministers of foreign affairs and mining, as well as with the leader of the development agency Corfo.


칠레 좌파 정권이 들어오고 계속해서 리튬 국영기업을 만든다는 얘기가 돌고 있는데, 실제로 칠레 정부가 조금 더 구체적인 계획을 갖고 진행 중인 듯. 현재 SQM이나 알버말은 건드리지 않는 범위 내에서 자기네 국영 리튬 기업을 만들려고 하는 듯하고 이 사업에 참여하는 주주들에게 사업권도 줄 수 있다는 말이 나오고 있음. 그래서 테슬라가 여기에 자기네가 칠레 리튬 국유화 산어베 직접 들어가려고 하는 건가 하는 생각이 든다. 어쨌든 기존 리튬 회사는 안 사겠다는 뜻이 나름 확고한 듯. 다음주 시그마 리튬 가격은 빠지려나. 궁금하네. 


이런 거 보면 GM이라는 안정적인 손님을 확보한 LAC은 나름 운이 좋았다는 생각이 들기도 한다. 뭐 GM과의 계약에 장단이 있기는 하지만. 


Tesla executives met last month with Chilean authorities, including the ministers of foreign affairs and mining, as well as representatives for the country’s development agency Corfo, as the electric cars maker redoubles efforts to secure supplies of battery metals, particularly lithium.

The hearings, local newspaper La Tercera reports, also included executives from Albemarle (NYSE: ALB), the word’s top lithium miner and the main competitor of Chile’s SQM (NYSE: SQM) in the Salar de Atacama salt flat, which contains the world’s highest known concentrations of lithium and potassium. 

The official minutes of the meeting, disclosed by Corfo, show that Tesla is interested in knowing the agency’s development plans for the sector as well as the opportunities for collaboration with lithium producers such as Albemarle.

Talks come as the Chilean government is planning to take a page out of Mexico’s book and create a state-run lithium company, although authorities are open to let private companies in the sector through tenders.

While the administration has yet to release final details, it has said the proposed national lithium company will seek out minority partners to provide the technical knowledge the government lacks. Private firms that win tenders may also be allowed to operate individual lithium projects under a minority stake. The state-run miner’s first main asset would be Codelco’s lithium project at the Salar de Maricunga, a salt flat that hosts Chile’s second-largest reserves of the battery metal.
