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Commodity (원자재) 생각/구리

구리 부족 생각보다 심각할 수도

by 브룡 2022. 12. 14.

Glencore Says This Time Is Different for Coming Copper Shortage - Bloomberg


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Glencore Plc added its voice to a chorus of miners warning of coming copper shortages, arguing that a “huge deficit” is looming for the crucial industrial metal. Chief Executive Officer Gary Nagle said that while some people were assuming that the industry would lift supplies as it had in previous cycles to meet a forecast increase in demand driven by the energy transition, “this time it is going to be a bit different.”


Copper miners and analysts have been warning of growing deficits starting in the mid-2020s, driven by rising demand for copper in wind and solar farms, high voltage cables, and electric vehicles. While most analysts believe that prices will rise from current levels around $8,500 a ton, there is some disagreement about how large the copper shortages might be. 


2020년대 중반부터는 심각한 구리 부족이 생길 것이라는 건데, 친환경 수요가 늘면 구리 수요가 느는 것은 당연하다. 문제는 과연 구리가 "어느 정도"나 모자랄 것이냐 인데 여기에 대해서는 의견이 좀 갈리는 듯. 


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