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Commodity (원자재) 생각/리튬

볼리비아는 리튬 생산 대안이 될까 (일단은 No)

by 브룡 2022. 5. 29.

아마 리튬 매장만 놓고 보면 칠레를 이길만한 나라가 볼리비이다. 그러나 리튬 생산이 현재로서는 어렵다고 보고 앞으로도 쉽지 않을 것으로 본다. 아래 기사 첨부. 


이유는 여러가지다 1) 볼리비아 정부에 제대로 된 법 체계가 없어서 얼마나 뜯어갈지 알 수 없는 노릇이고 2) 개발부터 시작해서 돈도 엄청 드는데 이걸 감수하면서 지정학적 리스크가 매우 높은 이 지역에 들어가기가 쉽지 않다. 지역주민 반대도 심하고. 실제로 볼리비아 정부 리튬 사업 입찰에 뛰어든 회사들 보면 한 번도 큰 규모로 리튬 개발을 못해본 회사들이다. 


Among the key hurdles are technological challenges, simmering citizen resistance, a nonexistent legal framework for lithium mining, and looming infighting within Bolivia's ruling socialist party over taxes and royalties, the sources said. "I see an exaggerated enthusiasm. It's not grounded in reality," said Juan Carlos Montenegro, a former top Bolivian official in charge of lithium extraction under the administration of ex-President Evo Morales.

Bolivia expects to announce later this month one or more partnerships with foreign firms to exploit the salar's riches. Eight competitors from China, Russia, Argentina and the United States are bidding - none of which have exploited lithium at a commercial scale before.


볼리비아 리튬 호수에 마그네슘이 많은 것도 좀 문제인 모양..그리고 설령 생산한다 하더라도 2025년은 되지 않을까 싶다.. 그 이상이 될 가능성이 더 큰 듯..


Among the key hurdles are technological challenges, simmering citizen resistance, a nonexistent legal framework for lithium mining, and looming infighting within Bolivia's ruling socialist party over taxes and royalties, the sources said.  "I see an exaggerated enthusiasm. It's not grounded in reality," said Juan Carlos Montenegro, a former top Bolivian official in charge of lithium extraction under the administration of ex-President Evo Morales. Bolivia expects to announce later this month one or more partnerships with foreign firms to exploit the salar's riches. Eight competitors from China, Russia, Argentina and the United States are bidding - none of which have exploited lithium at a commercial scale before.


Legendary lithium riches from Bolivia's salt flats may still just be a mirage | Reuters


Legendary lithium riches from Bolivia's salt flats may still just be a mirage

On Bolivia's Salar de Uyuni, a vast white salt flat that feels almost otherworldly, Karina Quispe is watching from the sidelines a global resource race for the world's largest - and almost untapped - trove of battery metal lithium.


