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크록스 경쟁사 상대 소송

by 브룡 2023. 7. 11.

크록스가 경쟁사인 조이비즈를 상대로 영업 비밀 훔친 죄로 소송을 걸었다고. 실제로 조이비즈 사장은 전 크록스 관리자였다. 그 전에도 둘 간의 소송은 있었는데 크록스가 추가한 듯. 


In the new lawsuit, Crocs alleges that Joybees and their CEO Kellen McCarvel of stealing trade secrets and unfair competition. The new complaint accuses McCarvel, who was a midlevel manager at Crocs, of stealing several thousand documents containing Crocs’s highly confidential and proprietary business information, as well as the contents of an entire Crocs email account.


Crocs sues rival Joybees over stolen trade secrets by former manager, intellectual property | Fox Business


Crocs sues rival Joybees over stolen trade secrets by former manager, intellectual property

Foam clog maker Crocs is suing rival Joybees over stolen corporate trade secrets and intellectual property while rival has filed competing claim.



