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중국 리튬 현물가가 과연 다른 시장에도 영향을 줄까

by 브룡 2023. 2. 27.

FT에서 좋은 기사가 나왔다. 

Chinese lithium prices fall 30% as demand for electric vehicles weakens | Financial Times (ft.com)


Chinese lithium prices fall 30% as demand for electric vehicles weakens

Cost of clean energy’s ‘white gold’ still eight times what it was a year ago


중국 리튬 수요 감소는 맞는 듯한데, 이게 반드시 다른 나라 리튬 가격으로 하락으로 이어져야 하는지는 두고 봐야 한다는 내용. 


무엇보다 중국은 전기차에서 있어서 이제 성숙 산업 단계인데 다른 나라는 아직 시작도 안 한 단계 (특히 미국). 그렇다면 나라별 수요 갭이 영향을 줄 수도. 



Put together with lower EV sales in Germany and Norway following subsidy cuts, Abhishek Murali, electric vehicles analyst at Rystad, a consultancy, said that “within the automotive industry there is some consensus that the rapid growth observed in 2021 and 2022 may not be seen this year”.


2021년만큼의 리튬 고성장은 없을 것이라는 얘기. 그러나 시장은 쉽게 죽진 않는다.


However, lithium for delivery to the US and Europe has fallen far less, only dropping 10 per cent to $70,500 per tonne over the same period, according to Fastmarkets. Mathias Miedreich, chief executive of Umicore, a Belgian battery materials producer and large buyer of lithium, said that the Chinese market had always been relatively separate from the rest of the world. “I do not believe there is a structural reason why the lithium price is dropping in China. I think the Chinese lithium market was always a bit decoupled from the rest of the world,” he said, adding that western and Chinese lithium pricing would continue to diverge as supply chains deglobalise.


과연 그럴까. 궁금하긴 하다. 보통 중국 리튬 현물 시장은 다른 나라 리튬 가격의 선행지표였다. 이 패턴이 바뀔 것인가. 두고볼일. 
