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[LAC #216] 레드우드 미 에너지국 대출

by 브룡 2023. 2. 11.

[LAC #105] 전 테슬라 CTO 네바다에 배터리 공장 짓기 시작 (tistory.com)


[LAC #105] 전 테슬라 CTO 네바다에 배터리 공장 짓기 시작

전직 테슬라 기술책임자가 운영하는 Redwood라는 회사가 3.5billion을 들여 네바다 북부에 배터리 소재 공장을 짓기 시작했다는 뉴스가 wsj에 떴다. 단기간에 지어질 것 같진 않고 몇 년 걸릴 것 같다.


저번에 적은 바 있는 레드우드. 내 예상으로는 레드우드와  LAC 사이에 분명 무슨 얘기가 있었을 것이다.


어쨌든 여기도 미국 에너지국으로 부터 2조 넘는 돈을 대출받았다는 기사가 실림. LAC은 과연 얘기 없을까? 분명 있을 것이라 본다. 


Energy Department Will Loan $2 Billion to Redwood Materials - The New York Times (nytimes.com)


Energy Dept. Will Lend $2 Billion to a Battery Component Maker

The loan will help accelerate Redwood Materials’ plans to produce components for electric car batteries from new and recycled sources.


The Energy Department on Thursday announced a $2 billion loan to help a Nevada company step up production of critical components of electric vehicle batteries. The company, Redwood Materials, plans to use the loan to expand a manufacturing campus near Reno, Nev., where it makes some of the components from new and recycled sources. The company was founded by J.B. Straubel, a former top Tesla executive, and has partnerships with Panasonic, Ford Motor, Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo.


After construction is complete, Redwood aims to produce enough battery materials at the Nevada campus to support production of more than one million electric vehicles a year. The loan will help to create about 3,400 construction jobs, Redwood and the Energy Department said. The company said it expected about 1,600 full-time employees to work at the campus when it was finished.


The announcement was the latest loan from the department to support domestic battery manufacturing as the Biden administration seeks to bring more of the supply chain for electric vehicles to the United States and reduce reliance on China. Last month, the department said it would lend $700 million to support a mining project in Nevada. In December, the department announced a $2.5 billion loan for Ultium Cells, a battery-making joint venture between General Motors and LG Energy Solution.
